Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Soup & Cold Rain

Hard to imagine what goes together better than a cold wintery rainy day and a pot of hot simmering homemade soup!

Sometimes the best soup just happens like the arrival of an unexpected guest. This one was a tossing together of stuff--the result of raiding the pantry and fridge.

I start with a broth made from chicken bouillons. Next I tossed in the following ingredients in this order:

1 medium onion, diced
4 carrots, pealed and sliced
1/2 a Red Pepper, diced (found in fridge)
2 pre-cooked Ham steaks, cubed
Fresh ground black pepper
3 cloves of Garlic, thinly sliced into disks
2 large Zucchini, cubed
1 generous dollop of Olive Oil, (1 tablespoon)
2 large JalapeƱo's, diced
1/2 head of Taiwanese Cabbage, chopped into 1" squares
2 cans of dices tomatoes cooked with Garlic, Basil and Oregano
Kosher salt to taste.

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