Monday, December 12, 2011

What I'm Reading #38

I just read the young reader's edition of Li Cunxin's "Moa's Last Dancer". This is an amazing and courageous story told by a common man who became extraordinary via a combination of circumstances, luck, and effort.

Everyone who loves a teenager who feels like they are different. A teenager who will most likely face a future of difficult choices and hard work. A teenager who hold within themselves a passion, even and especially if it has yet to be discovered. This is the book, that they need to read--that YOU need to read with them together. The opportunities to discuss ideas, the revelations and triumphs achieved through love and sacrifice all teach such powerful life lessons. I love this one, through and through.

Reading books together is powerful. Parents need to read to their children and then WITH them. WITH THEM--get it? The journey of discovery is never more powerful as when it is shared.

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