Saturday, December 31, 2011

What I'm Watching #282-286

Tonight I watched a collection of 5 short films. I'm sure I've said it before, but it's worth repeating, I LOVE short film as a genre! I really do. The same way I love the short story, or a well crafted poem. To capture an idea, to share a moment, to frame an epiphany or make a statement in any short form is art as amazing to me as any epic novel or opera or symphony.

This collection assembled by Alluvial contains an entry from South Korea, Australia, Spain, the US, and France. Hands down the tightest is "The Postcard" from South Korea. Nothing benefits a short film like attention to detail.

The dog of the batch is Spanish entry "Sístole/Diástole" which really hangs it's hat on a tired cliché threaded through a melodramatic and senseless plot. Watching it, I felt embarrassed for the everyone involved.

The others are fine and altogether worth watching.

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