Sunday, January 29, 2012

My First (And Only) Birthday Party

I was in elementary school, maybe 3rd grade. And the really interesting thing is how I can still remember the names of the kids in this picture on my 51st Birthday!

In a rambling left to right order: Julie Somerville and Diane Wren (holding green balloon), Peter Keim, Karen Standhart, Kenny Robideau (shortest kid in the room, held up by others), Randy Taylor (peace sign blue shirt), Kent Miller (glasses), my little sister, Michael McCleery (yellow shirt/no face), Lori Kabosky (front right), the girl behind her's name is a blank, but I remember where she lived), and ME! Half a face behind her.

The venue was the basement of the home I grew up in, the home were both of my parents died. My father in 1986 and then my mother in 1992. The year of the photograph was c. 1969.

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