Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pre-Birthday Celebration!

At the time of my 50th birthday, my dear friend Perri took me to the Kennedy Center to see the Broadway touring company production of "South Pacific." It was marvelous!

Today, for my 51st birthday, we again rendezvoused at the Kennedy Center here in DC for the Broadway touring company production of "La Cage Aux Folles". Everyone deserves such a wonderful friend, n'est pas?

Unlike "South Pacific" I knew virtually nothing about the musical version of La Cage. Sometimes that's the best way to experience something, sans espérance.

The leads were in the hands of George Hamilton and Christopher Seiber. I was a little surprised to learn that George was still alive!--truth in blogging--and I'd never heard of Monsieur Sieber before. The result? George was très charming, managed to hit all of his cues and was actually quite funny at times. I also thought that at times during the second act he was 'tired' in moments when he wasn't doing anything specific in a scene. But Christopher Seiber was dynamite! He rose to and above the occasion without any hint of anything but tenderness toward the older Hamilton. In a word, He was Fabulous! and the chemistry between he and George was very sweet.

The production was held in the Eisenhower Theater which was just perfect. It's a more intimate setting and the production was from the onset very audience interactive. Our seats were in row five from the stage smack dab in the middle. Any closer and I would have strained my neck.

Can my 52nd birthday be better? Peut-être!?

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