Monday, February 27, 2012

Must See TV

From the TV series SMASH. Debra Messing's character writes a letter to the mother of her prospective adoptive daughter in China.

RENE WALTERS, MSW: Okay, would anyone else like to share their letter?

JULIA HOUSTON: I guess I can.

To the Birth-mother of my daughter,

Our lives are so far distant from each other. It is as if neither of us exists. I will never know you. Even though you give birth to her, my daughter may never know you, as well.

But I want you to know, I will guard her as a lion. I will raise her with love. I will protect her from the wounds of loneliness. She will be a child of two lands, and she will wear that knowledge with pride. And at night, we will call to you on the wind; and, perhaps, you will hear us and know that she is safe.


When I saw this scene, my heart melted for all of my friends who have adopted children, many from diverse places... What lucky children!

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