Sunday, February 05, 2012

Today's Sermon

This Kind of Thing Doesn't Happen Often and When it Does You Should Pay Attention

i thank heaven somebody's crazy
enough to send me a daisy
—E.E. Cummings

On Piedmont Road, going north,
before my car there floated forth

a soapy bubble in the traffic,
glistening and holographic.

It drifted down into my path,
this ghostly sphere from someone's bath.

I watched it bob and almost tickle
A Harley-Davidson motorcycle

then rise (as it got quite exhausted)
That's where I left it, fair and frosted.

For this unexpected act
I thank heaven (I think), in fact,

that someone went to all the trouble
to blow me a bubble.

~ John Stone, 1936 - 2008

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