Monday, March 26, 2012

My New Basement Ceiling Two Views

Very happy to have the floor, the lighting, and the ceiling done so I can focus on the real purpose of the transformation---Legos!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today's Sermon

Back in the days when pots and pans could talk--which indeed they still do--there lived a man. In order to have water every day he had to walk down the hill to fill two pots and walk them home. One day it was discovered one of the pots had a crack and at time when on the cracked widened. Fine the pot turn to the man and said, "Every day you take me to the river. But the time you get home half of the water has leaked out. Please replace me with a better pot."

The man said, "You don't understand--as you spill you water the wild flowers by the side of the path." Sure enough on the side of the path where the cracked pot was carried beautiful flowers grew, while the other side was barren.

"I think I'll keep you," said the man.

~ Kevin Kling, 1956 -

Purple Shamrocks

From my kitchen window....

Latest Republican Primary Energy Map: Wyoming & Kansas

This map also reflects changes in the results in Maine and New Hampshire. In Maine, The GOP was compelled by followers of Ron Paul to count votes previously missed, in New Hampshire, my own original numbers were based on incomplete vote totals that were in the 96-99% range and in the final count the majority changed. Every vote counts!

Kansas reflects that fact that in 13 counties, no caucuses were held and so those jurisdictions remain grey representing no energy

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Van Gogh @ The Philadelphia Museum of Art

Got up to Philadelphia with a friend last Saturday to see the new exhibit: Van Gogh Up Close which explores the artist's relationship with the natural world and object from the natural world. With Van Gogh, the subject matter is almost immaterial--it the art, the power of each image, each brush stroke that thrills. So far, the more I am around his paintings, the more I crave to be around them. And this show is an oasis for lovers of this prolific and tragic genius.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

What I'm Reading #46

I found a copy of Patty Smith's book of elegiac prose poems written in memory of her friend Robert Mapplethorpe after his death. They are beautiful examples of her tender facility with words and ideas in the service of a beloved friendship. How lucky I felt to find it.

The Latest On Republican Energy In Primary 2012

The results after Super Tuesday, Kansas is next on this Saturday.

Renovations Continue

Work on my basement continues. The new lights are a revelation!

Maryland v New Jersey

Maryland's governor, Martin O'Malley (left) signed the bill legalizing same-sex marriage. New Jersey's governor, Chris Christie (right) vetoed the same legislation for his state. Be honest, who'd you rather wake up next to in the morning?

Earthquakes: Central Asia

It's been a busy week for earthquakes in Central Asia from the Russian-Mongolian boarder to the Straights of Hormuz.