Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today's Sermon

Back in the days when pots and pans could talk--which indeed they still do--there lived a man. In order to have water every day he had to walk down the hill to fill two pots and walk them home. One day it was discovered one of the pots had a crack and at time when on the cracked widened. Fine the pot turn to the man and said, "Every day you take me to the river. But the time you get home half of the water has leaked out. Please replace me with a better pot."

The man said, "You don't understand--as you spill you water the wild flowers by the side of the path." Sure enough on the side of the path where the cracked pot was carried beautiful flowers grew, while the other side was barren.

"I think I'll keep you," said the man.

~ Kevin Kling, 1956 -

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