Friday, May 18, 2012

Suprasensorial: Experiments In Light. Color. And Space

Another special exhibition featured the works of South American artists who explored the relationship between light, color, and space. How often does one get to experience major works of artists from Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela? Great kudos to the Hirschhorn for always holding such an inclusive vision.

Jesús Rafael Soto (1923-2005), Blue Penetrable BBL. The viewer is the experiencer as you are free to enter the sculpture and become a part it.

Carlos Cruz-Diaz (1923 - ) Chromosaturations takes the three essential colors used in traditional pixilation and creates three self-contained chambers in which the light is saturating and allowed to escape and interact with the light from other chambers. You can don little footies and enter them or you can experience them through windows in the overall enclosure. It's really hard to explain and magical.

Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) Neon Structure for the IX Triennial of Milan marked one of the first uses of neon for a non-commercial purpose. First displayed over the grand staircase in the gallery of contemporary art in Milan. It was stunning over the escalators at the Hirschhorn!

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