Friday, July 27, 2012

Newseum - Chapter 3: G-Men And Journalists

The second curated exhibition on the ground floor was "G-Men And Journalists" featuring artifacts and information about the highest profile crime cases of the past 100 years. Included in the exhibit besides the ones I captured in these photos were The Kidnapping of the Lindberg Baby, The Rosenberg Espionage case, The Uni-Bomber, and the Branch Davidian Cult Siege and others. The types and quality of artifacts was amazing. Though not very photographically interesting, the largest single piece was the cabin where Ted Kazinsky lived in Montana.

Here you have Daringer's death mask among other items.

This model chillingly represents just how much of the Murrow Federal Court building Timothy McVey's treason brought down in Oklahoma City.

Right after I snapped this photo a group of Japanese tourists posed in front of this KKK robe for a picture. Kind of made me wonder...

The most powerful portion of this exhibit was the part dedicated to 9/11. Here we see portions of the jet planes' engines retrieved from the smoldering wreckage of the twin towers.

And this collection of personal effects left me breathless.

In another area of the museum, a multi-story portion of the communication's antenna was displayed against a back drop of front pages from around the nation and world reacting to the news of 9/11.

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