Friday, July 27, 2012

Part I: Canada's Embassy--The Special Exhibition

50 years: Canada in Space was a delightful surprise on my trip into D.C. today. The Canadian Embassy has a lovely little gallery which offers a glimpse at some aspect of Canadian culture/history. It's a great little way to get out of the heat of summer and learn something about our neighbors to the north!

This is the first satellite (model of) launched by Canada. Alouette is it's name!

I love this image from the early days of the Canadian Space program. Dig those knee boots!

The astronauts of Canada!

Canadian built robotic arms that are part of the International Space Station.

Satellite imagery as one of the benefits of the Canadian Space program.

Canada on Mars!

It was a very interesting little exhibit. Located just east of the Newseum and across the street from the National Gallery of Art. It's an easy addition to visiting either of these larger institutions.

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