Saturday, August 04, 2012

London Olympics Redux: Rowing

Rowing has a long history in the Olympics maintain a presence since the second games of 1900 Paris. This year the host nation of Great Britain demonstrated a stunning dominance with New Zealand coming in a clear second. It's typically a sport with a wide range of competitive nations.

Olympic Dominance Index

ROWING ~ 2012 London

029gsb ~ Great Britain
018gb ~ New Zealand
015gs ~ Germany
013gsb ~ Denmark
011gb ~ Czech Republic
011sb ~ Australia
010gb ~ United States
007gpo ~ The Ukraine
007gpo ~ South Africa
006s ~ Canada
004spo ~ China
004spo ~ Italy
004spo ~ France
004spo ~ Croatia
002bpo ~ The Netherlands
002bpo ~ Poland
002bpo ~ Greece
002bpo ~ Slovenia

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