Friday, August 10, 2012

London Olympics Redux: Swimming

Swimming is one of the few sports that have always been part of the Olympic competitions. A sport that the United States maintains its overall dominance in; however, a wide range of others nations also garnered handfuls of medals too: China, France, Australia and Japan in particular. Tunisia and Lithuania both scored their first Gold medals in Swimming! For both Belarus and Lithuania, their medals were their first in Swimming in the Olympics.

Olympic Dominance Index

SWIMMING ~ 2012 London

094sgb ~ United States
033gsb ~ China
027gsb ~ France
025gsb ~ Australia
017gsb ~ The Netherlands
017sb ~ Japan
015gs ~ South Africa
013gb ~ Hungary
009sbpo ~ Great Britain
009sbpo ~ Russia
009sbpo ~ Tunisia
007g ~ Lithuania
006spo ~ Korea (South Korea)
006spo ~ Spain
006s ~ Belarus
006sbpo ~ Brazil
006sbpo ~ Canada
002bpo ~ Italy
002bpo ~ Argentina

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