Sunday, August 12, 2012

London Olympics Redux: Wrestling

Introduced at the first Olympics 1896 Athens, Wrestling has been part of the games with the exception of 1900 Paris every since. ONce the stronghold of the former Soviet Union even today you can see how that part of the world still embraces this sport with medals going to Russia with prime dominance and then many of the former occupied republics: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, the Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, and Lithuania.

Olympic Dominance Index

~ 2012 London

031gsb ~ Russia
022gsb ~ Iran
022gb ~ Japan
021gsb ~ Azerbaijan
012sb ~ Georgia
009gbpo ~ Uzbekistan
009gbpo ~ Cuba
007g ~ Korea (South Korea)
006sbpo ~ Hungary
006sbpo ~ Armenia
006sb ~ Canada
006sb ~ India
004spo ~ The Ukraine
004spo ~ Bulgaria
004spo ~ Egypt
004s ~ Estonia
004s ~ Puerto Rico
004b ~ Kazakhstan
003b ~ Sweden
002bpo ~ Turkey
002bpo ~ France
002bpo ~ Poland
002bpo ~ Colombia
002b ~ Lithuania
002bpo ~ PKR (North Korea)
002bpo ~ Mongolia
002b ~ Spain

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