Saturday, November 10, 2012

Post Election Redux: FLORIDA

Let's look at Florida, I didn't call it for Obama, Nate Silver said it was too close to call. In the End Obama took it by 0.6% of the vote or 51,938 votes. Again, like Virginia, voters in heavily Democrat areas waited in some precincts for up to 8 hours AFTER the polls closed to cast a ballot. 1) Obama faired far better in most of the Urban areas: Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Gainesville and Tallahassee. (Romney took Jacksonville and Pensacola) 2) The Panhandle continued it's reputation as being one of the most Republican areas in the nation. 3) Hispanic, Black, Jewish, Youth (18-29), and Female voters in Florida proved a stronger coalition in the end. 4) Florida also gave the House three new Democrat congresspeople and returned a Democrat Senator to office. With a growing shift in demographics that favor Democrats on ALL the metrics, Florida, like Virginia will continue to be a swing state into the near future.

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