Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Fiscal Cliff 101.01

As we approach the "Fiscal Cliff," something that virtually every politician thinks is a bad thing, I am compelled to ask why Republicans are so intransigent when it comes to accepting a broad solution that distributes the pain of reconciling our books in an equitable way? What is their bottom line?
In the Senate, they are led by an ideological fool, Mitch McConnell, who shames the great politicians from his state like, Wendell Ford, by being nothing more or less than a partisan shill. In the House, where the action actually is, you have John Boehner, a career politico who changes colors as quickly as he applies some new bronzer and can't control is party and so caves with every tea party whim or command to dance that comes from his Majority Whip, Eric Cantor. The Republicans are just one Hot Mess.
So what do we need to get past this fiduciary abyss? A leader! And finally, get that again, FINALLY, we have one. I applaud you President Obama for rejecting the REPUBLICAN faux plan. Why they insist on solving our crisis on the backs of the poor, elderly, and weakest segments of our society is just wicked. The rich have too long enjoyed their advantage. They have taken and taken and taken without the slightest sense of shame. What was a gift for them has become the status quo and that's just not right. Too few have too much at the very expense of the viability of the nation. It's time to pull back on these reigns, come what may.

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