Thursday, May 23, 2013

Romeo Roundup!

Some resent images of Romeo doing what he does best: sleeping!  Hey, everyone needs a hobby, right?

Romeo has discovered the aquarium.... which he mostly very good about, but has also jumped up on and been roundly scolded over this dangerous display of exuberant curiosity.  What to do?  I love watching the fish, too.

By this photo, you'd think all Romeo does is sleep! You're not that far off, actually. When he plays, he plays hard, and I do my best to be rambunctious with him, too. But most of the time, he does like to sleep. We had a good walk this evening. He ate a full dinner--mixed moist and kibbles. Now he awaits my bedtime to awake just long enough to join me. He has taken to sleeping on my bed at my feet through the night and then in the morning snuggling up to spend a snooze cycle or two against my chest with me rubbing his belly and neck. It helps me wake up more refreshed, too!

There was a huge clap of Thunder tonight! I heard the thud of Romeo jumping off the bed, so I went to check on him. He's not in the least frightened by it, more just annoyed. So he was standing in the hall, I went to get the camera, and before I could get back he's ready to resume his sleep...but in the hallway. Meanwhile the rain was pouring in a Biblical deluge with Flash Flood Warnings up all around. 

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