Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sun-dried Tomato Crusted Pork Chops w/ Butter-Caper Sauce

Still getting a feel for my new kitchen.  This is the most complicated arrangement of things I've cooked yet.

Sun-dried Tomato Crusted Pork Chops w/ Butter-Caper Sauce. Recipe to follow. I included a Curry Cous Cous with Red and Green Peppers, Scallions and Golden Raisins, and sauteed Zucchini.

It also gave me occasion to thank my mama again for giving me her iron skillet and teaching me how to use and care for it.

The recipe for the Sun-dried Tomato Crusted Pork Chops w/ Butter-Caper Sauce comes from the website of The Unorthodox Epicure.  I did a search under the topic "pork" and found it.  It's simply written, straight forward, easy cooking.  From his photo to mine, it is what it promises to be.  One thing different, I used boneless pork chops.

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