Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tibetan Prayer Flags

Tibetan Prayer Flags hang across the upper window in my bathroom.

There was a great TED Talk Radio Hour today on my local NPR affiliate WAMU that talked about truth versus memory, and our memories of the past which we assume equal truth, but so rarely capture what actually happened in spite of our fervent, sincere protestations to the contrary.

Here is my bathroom window, bejeweled with patio lights (as it has been for well over a decade now) and swinging in the evening breeze is a string containing a series of Tibetan Prayer flags. I do not believe in prayer, but I love the flags. They help me to remember that I am a blessed man (a lucky man, a fortunate man...whatever). That too many others live in this world without. Just knowing this shapes my truth...I can only believe that as a "21st century Rationalist" (a new term for Atheist I also heard on the radio today!), it's for the better.

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