Sunday, June 09, 2013

A Day In The Life Of Romeo

Romeo, a.k.a. My Little Angel of Light! (well, in this photo, at least) had a great day of being said angel. Two trips to the markets and left at home alone to his own devises were perfectly uneventful. 

My trip to the local SHEE SHEE Dog Shop "The Big Bad Woof" proved a mixed bag. Romeo has really taken a shine to those Himalayan Natural Dog Chews (the ones "made in the Himalayan highlands using traditional methods and an ancient recipe of boiled yak and cow milk, salt and lime juice.") They take him a good long time to decimate, so he can enjoy them over the course of many days. They are insanely expensive, but how can I deny him any good thing when he is the constant source of amazing grace to me? Still, they were out of the medium-sized three pack and only had the large single sticks. I prefer the 3 pack because they last a lot longer. The nice young man at the register took down my name and without additional charge placed a special order for me, and I bought one of the large ones, of course, to tide him over. He'll enjoy it, but he's not a Saint Bernard.

The plus was the purchase of a fine brush. Mind you, he doesn't shed much, but he does shed some. I thought the brush would help and also he might jolly well like being combed. As fate would have it, HE LOVES IT! I'm convinced that it's the closest thing this little fellow with his knipped nuts will ever come to an orgasm. It positively puts him to sleep he's so enamored with the gentle rubbing sensation. Score!

After our nap around 4 pm, we set out for a walk, and I met a neighbor that I have been aware of for nearly two decades but before today could not have had a prayer of identifying in a police line up. She lives on a side street at the bottom of the hill and across from my actual friends Beth and Cathy. It seems that as I have often heard of her doings via these ladies over the years, she had likewise been appraised of mine. So it was a delightfully awkward first official hello on the low trail along the creek while her dog Jack and Romeo discovered between one another all of those essential smells that constitute detente between dogs.

No doubt buoyed by this delightful happenstance Romeo and I set out for the high power line hill climb and made the full circle of a hike measuring about 2.5 miles.

Later still, I discovered Romeo on our bed bathed in this wonderful light and snapped up this pic. What joy!

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