Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Dinner Last Night: Garlic Roasted New Potatoes and Zucchini Sautéed in Onions & Red Pepper

After a long Monday...a easy meatless Monday dinner: Garlic roasted New Potatoes and Sautéed Zucchini in Onion & Red Pepper with shredded Parmesan Cheese.

To make the meal work, I prepared the potatoes and placed them in the oven before heading out the door for Romeo's evening constitutional. Once home with only 20 minutes left on a 75 minute @350˚ roast time. I began the onions and red pepper to sautéing with some Montreal Streak Seasoning--like that certain hot sauce from the commercial on the radio--I put that shit on everything! By the time the Zucchini was sliced and added there was about 10 minutes left on the potatoes, just enough time to gently cook the zucchini. My prep time 25 minutes with just over 50 minutes of exercise in the middle.

And gosh it was good!

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