Saturday, June 01, 2013

Great Walk Early With Romeo

"Who wants to go for a walk?"  Most common example of a rhetorical question in the Randuwa/Romeo household!

Beautiful white flowering bush, some cousin of Honeysuckle.

The crook in the creek early in the morning.

"Dad, where does this trail go?"

"Romeo, I have no idea.  Let's go!"

Wild cousins to the coreopsis.

 Twice as far the view from the base would give us looking back from where we've already come.

And looking up to where we are going....

More cousins, these of the common milkweed.

At the apex, a little "shed" surrounded by fences and warnings that no doubt has something to do with the high volume electrical wires overhead.  And the view beyond with a gully midway that looks like it holds an open ditch with no guarantee of fordability.  End of the line.

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