Thursday, June 06, 2013

Make A Difference, Not A Bitch-Fit

Morale's been on the wane around school as the year comes to a close, so with the help of a couple of other "pan-staff" members, we came up with a list of personal positive comments for everyone in the building. EVERYONE from the weekend maintenance crew to the second grade teacher who helped open the building back in 1990. We really tried to make them as specific as possible--not generic stuff. Then I wrote them out on kites that I made complete with curly ribbon tales and plastered a couple of walls in the staff lounge with them. I don't know if it will help to lift spirits, but it had just gotten to the point where someone had to do something. See a problem, offer an anecdote, right? There's always something you can do, besides complain, too.

The school year ends on the 17th, but a lot of staff will back much of the rest of that week already giving time to plan for next year. When you have such a dedicated group of teachers, there's nothing frilly or extra about showing them appreciation and we all need to be better at that.

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