Friday, June 28, 2013

My Tuckered Out Little Man, Romeo

Very exciting couple of days for Romeo. He got to meet two of my favorite people on the planet: Auntie Barbara Kahla and Uncle Joey Storey. (Okay, let's get one thing straight. If you are my friend, and you meet Romeo, you will be either an Auntie or an Uncle. Just accept this!) Uncle Joey even spent the night and most of the next of the next day which gave Romeo a chance to really interact with him; however, tentatively it was played out.

And then, after Joey left, we went for an innocent constitutional together and got GOBSTOPPERED by a horrendous thunderstorm in our beloved park!

It's just so much stimulation and smells and infractions on our established order (both good and bad) to nearly apprehend by him.

So were is he and his still damp carcass now? In the upstairs hall, dead-asleep to the world! What is there not to just love about this little guy! He's so open to everyone, patient and respectful when left alone, even meek and forgiving when presented with a crisis of my making (!) and well, in a word: wonderful.

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