Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Good Ones

People are so quick to malign all politicians, but I am not. There are some truly good ones out there. Since 2002 I have contributed directly to the campaigns of several of them who serve in the US House and Senate, and I am very proud to say that Senator Martin Heinrich (D) of New Mexico is one that I have support financially from his first race for the House. Here he becomes the first member of the United States Senate to participate in the now ubiquitous "NOH8" anti-GLBT bulling Ad Campaign. Brought a tear of pride to my eyes. New Mexico has a pair of really good Senators.

In case you're looking to support some of the good ones, OTHERS I have endorsed with hard earned lucre are:


Ron Barber (D) ~ AZ
John Delaney (D) ~ MD
Tammy Duckworth (D) ~ IL
Alan Grayson (D) ~ FL
Steven Horsdford (D) ~ NV
Jerry McNerney (D) ~ CA
Patrick Murphy (D) ~ FL
Ed Perlmutter (D) ~ CO
Dina Titus (D) ~ NV
Christopher Van Allen (D) ~ MD
John Yarmouth ~ KY


Tammy Baldwin (D) ~ WI
Mark Begich (D) ~ AK
Sherrod Brown (D) ~ OH
Joe Donnelly (D) ~ IN
Al Franken (D) ~ MN
Kay Hagan (D) ~ NC
Martin Heinrich (D) - NM
Heidi Heitkamp (D) ~ ND
Claire McCaskill (D) ~ MO
Jon Testor (D) ~ MT
Elizabeth Warren (D) ~ MA

I have also given to some who were there for a while and then were defeated (I still lament 2 term House member from PA's 8th district Patrick Murphy--he was a truly good egg, and not the same good guy who's currently serving as a freshman from Florida's 18th) and many, MANY who never made it.

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