Sunday, June 09, 2013

Tickle Box Repair #3

(Retold after hearing it from the TED radio hour as told by the guy who wrote all the pixar movies (Toy Story to Monsters Inc. to Finding Nemo)

A visitor walks into an Irish pub along the coast on a rainy afternoon and noticed that there's just one other patron. A dower looking man nursing a pint. He sits down beside him and the man says to the stranger," You see this bar here? I built this bar. Top to bottom every single detail is my handy work! But do they call me McGregor-the-Bar-Builder? No."

He then indicated a photo of a farm house surrounded by a stone wall hanging behind the bar and said, "You see that photograph? D'ja know who built that stone fence in it? I built it. One sorry stone upon the other until they all fit perfectly, but do they call me McGregor-the-Fence-Builder? No."

Turning to the window that looked out upon the cove, he said, "And look ye there! You see that pier? I built that pier, too. Sunk every one of the pylons, framed 'em up I did and laid each one of the planks. Most times on rainy days like this one and worse, I tell you! But do they call me McGregor-the-Pier-Builder?"

"NO!" he shouted, and after taking another sip of ale, continued, "But fuck one goat....."

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