Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trayvon Martin Rant

Has anyone else listened to the opening arguments of the prosecution or defense attorneys in the Trayvon Martin trial? It's stunning--STUNNING--in its scope and depth of profound simplicity versus abject incompetence. There were a thousand opportunities for the defendant, George Zimmerman, to choose to de-escalate the situation. At no point in time did he back off. A 17 year old kid, armed with only a cell phone and a bag skittles who was being stalked by a stranger with a GUN died for no other reason than that stranger provoked a confrontation. George Zimmerman is a psychopath who needs to be imprisoned for the safety of civilized society. Why is this so FUCKING HARD to understand?

How absurd is this? I man of means buys a gun, buys the bullets, loads the gun and stalks a kid whom he referred to as a "fucking nigger" several times on the 911 call, and then the kid, pinned down and facing a loading gun is treated like a criminal for desperately attempting to save his own life!!!?? On what planet? In what universe? And believe me--if Trayvon was a white kid named Trent, and George was a black guy named...well, George...who would be strapped to a gurney on his way to a fatal injection? This is just beyond conscionable.

When a person leaves his home with a loaded gun and drives to a neighborhood that is NOT his own, a neighborhood that asked him NOT to police it anymore--a neighborhood that he could NOT afford to own a home in....What does he expect to happen? 

When I load my guns, I wait until I arrive at the place, and I expect to hunt animals. Not human beings!

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