Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zesty Salad Dressing Guy

I posted this image to the FB page as a jibe against the ridiculously named Million Moms organization's moralistic protestations to it.  What a pack of Mississippi racists, homophobe, troglodytes.  And then some of my friends played the "Oh, I have the vapors!" card of moral offense.  

My beloved cousin wrote: "I actually think these kinds of ads are uncalled for.  Salad dressing is not what they are selling."

Which just goes to show how shallow her understanding of the Ad business is.  And Salad Dressing is exactly what they are selling--muscular, sexy, erotic, zesty motherfucking salad dressing!!!

So in response, I also posted these other images of Zesty Salad Dressing Guy for my FB friends.

And for my fellow dog loving FB friends, I posted this one, too.

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