Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Keystone Pipeline: A Thought

I like to think of myself as an environmentalist, but I'm not radical about it.  I just like the world so much, I hate to see the human race destroy it.  That's all.

SoI heard this most amazing FACT today about the Keystone XL pipeline. Nicolas Loris, energy policy analyst at Heritage Foundation, a very conservative Republican think-tank here in DC that is lobbying big time for the pipeline, stated that the pipeline would create 2,000 temporary jobs! Wow. And 35 permanent ones. Furthermore, the construction is estimated to cost 7 billion (and we all know what happens to these "estimates") or that would translate to $3,500,000.00 per person hired! Honestly? 

When is a job NOT worth it? WAKE-UP America! How much more good for how many more people could that money do if it were used for other things? I bet you I could create more than 2,000 jobs with 7 billion dollars, and I'd promise no cost overruns!

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