Friday, July 26, 2013

Romeo: Police Dog!

Yesterday we had a bit of an adventure in our own neighborhood.   I'll let Romeo tell you all about it!

Today my guy and me were SUPER HERO's!!! Well, not like Superman, but maybe, a little bit, like Batman and Robin! OR Timmy and Lassie!

We started our walk and a little way down the hill, we saw James. I like James. James helps people all over the neighborhood with work in their yards. Then I noticed something wasn't right on the other side of the street.  I started to bark to tell my guy that something was not right. My guy thought I was barking at a squirrel, but I pulled him over to the edge of the street to look down the side and he saw it, too!

It was this very nice, high speed, motorcycle! The license plate was missing, and it was caught between two large fallen trees out of sight and down the steep embankment. My guy couldn't see beyond the trees were it was resting--everything there is covered in vines. 

My guy called James over and asked him if he had seen anything and James came over and said that he hadn't. Then James started to climb down the embankment to get the bike, and my guy said to James, "Don't do that, James. I think we should call the police and you don't want your finger prints on it if they need to use them to find the owner." And James said, "That's a good idea. But if they don't want it, I would like it." James is very nice. I like him very much.

So the police came and said that the motorcycle was stolen. Then James said that he didn't want it at all! 

I don't know how people know much about anything without being able to smell the world around them? I knew that motorcycle was down their before anyone else. I smell that place every day, and it never smelled like that before!

Today, we returned to the scene of the crime.  The police didn't find any body, so it looks like it was just a convenient dump of a stolen motorcycle.  

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