Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I'm Watching #300

Wow, #300!--and it's Lincoln, too.

As you know, I am never worried about arriving late to the party.  I was a little worried (needlessly) about this film having the curse of "Gandhi" on it.  That film was so long that before it was over I was ready to kill him!  But not so with Lincoln.  It's hard to find something I do not like about this film.

So here I go with my accolades.  First, Tony Kushner is an amazing writer.  The film was one poem after another delivered by an amazing ensemble of actors.  Of course, Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Fields, but also Tommy Lee Jones, James Spader, Peter McRobbie, Gloria Reuben and Gulliver McGrath.  And just so many other fine actors whom I also love to see like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Stephen Spinella.

Some complained about the darkness of the settings, but I liked it.  Gave the whole a cohesive foreboding.  The score was no great shakes.

Favorite dialogue.  When Lincoln entered in upon the "lobbyists" card game and W. N. Bilbo exclaimed, "Well, I'll be fucked!" and Lincoln replied, "I don't doubt that."

Great movie, well worth the time.

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