Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Very Cool Thing I Did Via Indiegogo: VacuVita!

This is my first Indiegogo go if you will and can I tell you, I am really thrilled by it? Not only have gotten to contribute to a new company's inception, but I should be getting a vacu-seal food system that will help me preserve basic food stuffs like bread that for this single guy almost always goes to the birds!

I got this email from the Indiegogo folks today. You might find it interesting:

Hello rw--------,

We want to let you know that ‘VacuVita - Vacuum Food Saver System. Kitchen Technology and Design combined!’ has completed funding. They raised $341,741.00 including your contribution!

The campaign team should be in touch shortly with an update on the campaign and to fulfill any perks you have requested. Let your friends know that you helped make this project happen!

As always, if you have any questions about your contribution or perks, ask Bauke Bokma de Boer (the campaign owner), or check out our Customer Happiness Center.

So now you’ve seen how Indiegogo works – this campaign shows that people can successfully raise money. Do you have an idea for a project? We are a global and customer-service-oriented platform that can help bring your project to life. No application process needed. Inspired? Start your own campaign now!

The Indiegogo Team

This is what my investment will bring to me, and if it truly keeps food 5 x's as long as conventional storage, it will more that pay for itself in no time. I've been very bothered by the amount of food I share with the birds and other critters who live just beyond my fence!

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