Tuesday, October 08, 2013

I'm A Sick Cat....

It's clear I have a problem...I may need professional help. It first happened years ago now. It was a winter weekend, and I stumbled upon it early one morning. They innocently called it "A Marathon"...a fucking marathon! Like what's more healthy and appealing? I knew something strange had happened when I found myself on the couch, 2 pots of coffee, 8 hours later, bunny slippers still on my putsies, bathrobe wrapped around me like a cheesy terry cloth huggy and curlers still in my hair at an hour when most normal people would be eating dinner! But I could not get the monkey off my back until the winner was declared!!!

The next day, I woke up scared, hungry, and with a bladder about to splatter. It was a powerful juju--a magic beyond my mortal ability to withstand, and YET I walked away! I did, I tell you. 

That was then, and now, thanks to Hulu.com I'm back into the vortex. For weeks now I've struggled with the choice between normal things like eating and pooping versus this insidious demon. In the past three weeks I've polished off season 10, season 9, season 7, and now, (Oh the humanity!) season 8! My God, I even already know that Mondo wins!!! 

Damn you, Project Runway! Damn you to Hell!!!---and don't nobody tell me a thing about season 11--I swear, I will cut you... 

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