Saturday, November 09, 2013

Dear Romeo #4

Dear Romeo, 

Who would have said u were gonna be so happy!? 

C. Campos

Dear C.

That's a great question. Here is my reply:

My life is so different here from Costa Rica. Sometimes I miss all of the things that I knew there. I remember the smells. Oh, so many wonderful smells! I dream about running around with my dog buddies... about finding really cool food--like half a beef empanada next to a trash can, or the garbage behind a certain restaurante with it's meat scraps. Sometimes I could find a nice person who would share a scrap of something with me, too. And the taste of food there is sort of better than how things taste here.

I do not miss being chased by angry people or being hungry sometimes, or fighting with other dogs--I am not really into fighting. I CAN fight, if I have to, but it's not my "go-to-place".

My guy is good to me here. He gives me all the food I want. He plays with me and loves on me every day. I have a really nice place to sleep at night and I can choose to sleep on my own or next to my guy--he never minds either way. When I sleep next to him and have a bad dream, he always notices and holds me telling me that I am safe. I really like that.

I am not very experienced at life, but I do wonder how any of us knows what kind of life we will have... Do you know?

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