Saturday, November 23, 2013

Potatoes Au Gratin

I think there are a gazillion ways to make this dish.  My mom called them "Scalloped Potatoes"--there was nothing pretentious in her kitchen!  The nomenclature dirives from the fact that the potatoes are cooked with grated cheese and in some recipes bread (crumbs).

For this version, I assembled four things:

1) a platter full of thinly sliced small russet potatoes
2) a mixture of finely diced onion, celery, and fresh sage (6 leaves) with a little kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.
3) Finely grated sharp cheddar cheese
4) 1.25 cup of half and half combined with 1 C of chicken stock

After buttering the dish, I layers the first three four times beginning with the potatoes and ending with the cheese.  Then I slowly pouring over it the liquid mixture.

I covered it and baked it for 60 minutes @ 350˚, and then 15 minutes more uncovered.

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