Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Commemoration: Howard Johnson's!

My Wednesday evening meal harkened back to family Holidays when we travelled from our home near Detroit to visit my paternal grandparents who lived in the panhandle of Maryland.  We always took the Ohio and Pennsylvania Turnpikes for the bulk of the journey, and we always stopped at a Howard Johnson's rest stop to eat.

So while countless millions of Americans are on the road, and I am warm a cozy in my home, I made my best attempt at Howard Johnson's Hot Dog's for dinner.
To make these I did the following:  1) Toasted the buns, 2) Grilled the Hot Dogs (Hebrew National Kosher Dogs), 3) Dressed the buns with a spice mustard before adding the Hot Dog, and 4) Topped them with sweet pickle relish and diced onions (Vadalia).

I know I can never go back to the original, but this was pretty damn close!

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