Thursday, December 26, 2013

Romeo's First Christmas in the States!

What a grand morning.  Up and with a great breakfast: Maple flavored link Sausage, toasted Olive Bread and scrambled Eggs with Smokey Paprika.

Romeo got a new beef bone with some flesh and lots of organically fed marrow on the inside!

We then unwrapped presents that included new shoes, electronics and Legos for me, and a new chew toy, and Yak Milk chews for him!  The day was peppered with a home grown season 13 marathon of Law & Order, an extra long walk in the park, and a grand dinner.
I baked a glazed Ham--my first!  Sides of Green Beans with Dirty Rice and sauteed Green and Yellow Squash.  ¡Muy Delisiosa!

The entire day ended with two happy, if ready for bed, boys!
Romeo is zonked out with one of his Yak Milk chews safely within nose-shot!  And of all of the gifts I have gotten this year, he is the best.  He is absolutely the best of all!

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