Thursday, December 05, 2013

Snow Balled!

We're starting an anonymous gift bag exchange at work.  You fill a little bag with simple gifts and treats and secretly give it to another staff member who is then admonished to go and do likewise.  It's similar to the "ghosting" activities that also happen around Halloween in some places.  As a member of the leadership; Principal, Assistant Principal, Assistant School Administrator, Reading Specialist, Counselor, Media Specialist and ME--Staff Development Teacher, we are kicking it off in the morning by each "snow balling" two members of the staff so that the buzz will be strong.  Those 14 members out of the total of 87 will move the snow ball "fight" forward on Monday, but only each have to gift one other staff member.  Once gifted a emblem is placed outside your door to let others know that you are no longer eligible for a gift.  The seven of us each chose one homeroom teacher (that would be 7 out of 44) and one support staff or specialist (that would be another 7 out of 43).  We also distributed the choices so that one teacher from each grade level was included in the first round, and because we are seven, 2 from grade one which has the largest number of teachers.  I chose a 3rd year Kindergarten Teacher, and part-time (3 day a week) P. E. Teacher.

This sort of thing is fun.  My little bags include a secular ornament, a scented candle in a little jar, candy cane pepperment gum, Ghiardelli's chocolate squares, and an assortment of "snow ball" fillers.  It's not extravagant--and it's not supposed be.  Just a little something to surprise and lift one's spirits!

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