Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why The New York Times is the Greatest Paper on the Planet

I like to read the NYTimes. I read it every day online. They just changed their online formatting and I had a problem with it. So I wrote to the Editor. The Editor wrote back. All of this took place in the past couple of hours. And the best part? I got to use the phrase "Much obliged"--how often does that happen in one's life? 

Sent @ 10:21 AM --

Dear Editor:

I am a longtime online subscriber. One of the most important aspects of your paper to me is the political reporting in the US. Now, I can't seem to find a link to it. What happened?

Thank you,

Randy W. A.
Takoma Park, MD

Received @ 12:31 PM --

Dear Mr. A--:

First, thank you for your loyal readership. We certainly appreciate it.

The change to our Index is the biggest problem I see with our redesign. I could not find Politics either. You should be able to click just U.S. But that doesn't work.

Go to the top of the Home Page.
In upper left, click on SECTIONS.
The top of that list will say: SHORTCUTS. Ignore that.
Go to the bottom of that box where it says ALL SECTIONS.
Click NEWS.
When you click NEWS, a new box will pop out to the right and you will see Politics. Click that.

I find this ridiculous -- and not intuitive at all. Hopefully it is going to be changed.

Of course, once you finally get to the page, you can bookmark it. But readers should not have to do that.

Let me know if I can help further.

Best regards,

Greg Brock
Senior Editor for Standards
(and a former resident of Takoma Park - but not since 1995.)

Sent @ 1:30 PM --


Thank you for your prompt reply. I know you'll pass this on to whomever it may concern, and hopefully an upgrade can replace these machinations...  Best wishes! Randy

Received @ 2:10 PM --

Oh, yes. I sent it right after I answered you. They assure me they are going to reexamine the Index. I have complained the loudest !


Sent @ 2:19 PM --

Much obliged! randy

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