Saturday, February 01, 2014

2014 Senate Playing Field

You all know that I am a political critter.  And of all the bodies of politics, the Senate is the most compelling to me.  This is true for their nearly universal demi-god temptations--and especially for those who bite that apple: Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, awesome clowns all!  But also for the fact that  they serve longer than a President and are the most direct challenge to the President's authority.
This is the year of the #2 Class.  The Senate is divided into 3 classes, covering 100 Senators with elections of 33, 33, and 34.  The #2 Class has 33 seats attached to it--and so far there are 36 seats in contention.  The 3 additional seats represent two elections in Oklahoma and South Carolina, and an off year election in Hawaii.  The Elections in South Carolina and Hawaii represent elections to fill seats in other classes currently filled, but which were vacated in the past two years, while in Oklahoma, it is to fill a seat still held, but being vacated by an early retirement.  The seats in Hawaii and South Carolina will be fill for full terms, and the seat in Oklahoma will be filled only for the remainder of that term.

Seven Senators have announced their retirements leaving open seats.  5 are currently held by Democrats and 2 by Republicans.  Of these 3 are particularly vulnerable to party switches.  Two Democrat seats and one Republican.  More on all of this as the season unfolds.

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