Thursday, February 06, 2014

Bought A New....


Yesterday my vacuum cleaner exploded. It was a little pop really, but it's death was without a doubt. 

Therefore, on the way home today I did what I did 12 years ago when my last vacuum died, I went to Sears. My home is 90% hardwood floors, consequently a big, bad vacuum serves me no purpose. 70% of the 10% with carpet is stairs. So an upright is likewise useless. So I bought another Kenmore canister. This one is ORANGE!

Now, the only person who knows less about vacuums than I was the sales person! She was clearly a novice in that department. What sold me was the price point and the fact that it was on sale; however, once home and assembled I discovered many things that made me happy. The power is great, the filtration system is designed to remove allergens "down to .03 microns," and it comes with a very efficient attachment specifically designed to remove pet hair from upholstery! Like how perfect it that. Additionally, it's light weight--which is important when lugging the thing up and down the stairs. And finally, it has a setting designed to vacuum hardwood floors! How perfect.

One of the many curious joys of Romeo is that he is completely non-chalant about vacuum cleaners (both the former canister and this one, as well as, the wet/dry vac in the basement.) He just finds no reason to be excited by them.

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