Saturday, March 08, 2014

Torpedo Factory Art Center

Went over to Old Town Alexandria in Virginia today and paid my first visit to a place called the Torpedo Factory. It's down on the Potomac River, and, Yes, it was a Torpedo Factory. Today it is a three story Art Center with lots of little galleries and some classrooms and some studios and a group called the Art League has a gallery space and their offices are there, too.

I've heard about the place for years, but never bothered to go before today. The problem is that I don't particularly like Old Town Alexandria. Because unless you are looking to a place to eat, there's not really much else going on there. If you are looking for a place to eat, it's lousy with restaurants and probably the best place to go and catch a bite, except for the fact that parking's atrocious and that's another reason I never go there.

My take away from the Torpedo Factory? Eh...not much to see really. I enjoyed the walk on the pier better. But at least I had no trouble finding parking!

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