Saturday, April 05, 2014

Mediterranean Tuna Fish Salad On Toasted Artisan Olive Loaf Bread

This is the simplest of concoctions!
Use a quality Chunky Light tuna--I don't go for Albacore (too much chemical residue--I prefer my heavy metals in music)

Mix mayonnaise with pesto to taste and add in diced green olives with pimentos, fresh red peppers and dried tomatoes (also diced) and some capers.  Stir in the tuna meat--and, VOILA!  I serve with munster cheese, but greens (lettuce or baby spinach) and sliced tomatoes or cucumbers are all welcome variations.  Just be creative!  It's already savory and smooth, so a cheese like munster adds a hint of sweetness--but swiss would be awesome, too.  It's smooth on the palate so the crunch of cucumber and it's bitterness is a nice counterpoint.  Be creative.

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