Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jon's Table

Several years ago now, my neighbor Jon gave me this little table and the sea green planter. His partner, Matt, had told him to get rid of it. Then when he told Matt that he'd given it to me, Matt responded by asking him why, explaining that he only didn't want it to remain where it had been in their yard. So, I chose to place it at a point in a newly planted hedgerow between our homes where I could not get a bush to grow. I had thrice put a bush there like those in the hedgerow, and all three times, the bush withered and died, in spite of the fact that each time I dug the hole deeper and replace soil, etc. Soon after, Matt told Jon that he thought it was a lovely place for the table and planter. It is directly across from their kitchen window.

A couple of year later, Matt died. I know he liked tchotchkes, Jon told me this, so I have endeavored to keep something whimsical in the planter among the flowers. There's a little goose there with a lea of roses now. 

This weekend I transitioned the planter from pansies to summer annuals. I also placed the black planter against it on Jon's side with zinnias. I did that yesterday afternoon and here this evening I see that Jon has come along and mulched it and the entire hedgerow. Ah, sweet Detente.
The view of Jon's Table from my sunroom.

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