Saturday, June 21, 2014

Campaigns Don't Care About Trees...

Or so I conclude after just keeping 6 days worth of Campaign "Vote-for-me" literature (June 16 to 21). And this shit has been filling my mailbox since April.  Non-stop since May 12th.  
The thing is that two out of my four stellar representatives are moving on.  One has decided to seek an at large seat on the county council--state legislature to county council, an odd choice.  The other is running for governor.  SO it's a feeding frenzy.  

*    *     *

There are 13 people running for these two seats.  I've actually gone to their websites and watched their videos, read their platforms--there's not a dime's worth of difference between them.  

I actually met Will Jawando at the White Oak Giant today and stopped to chat. I asked him to tell me what he was most passionate about. He started to ask me about myself, and I cut him off. 

"It's not about me, it's about what you want to accomplish," I said. 

He started with universal pre-K and increasing the daycare voucher system to allow disadvantaged children a better leg up on school readiness and then talked about reforming our juvenile justice system into one of rehabilitation and not just incarceration. 

"There you go," I thought, "that wasn't too hard"--I like both of those things. So I pushed and asked him to tell me how he planned to pay for them.  And he did. And it didn't raise taxes on the middle class or working poor. 

Final thought, I liked him. When I said that I didn't want to take up anymore of his time, he pressed me to answer a few of his questions, what do I do, where do I live; fair enough I thought. 

Then he said, "I hope we'll get a chance to talk again sometime."

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