Saturday, June 21, 2014

World Cup Redux #1

As I've said before, I love the World Cup.  I love Fútbol as a sport---there isn't another one that compares.  So what do I know as the second round of qualifying matches draws to a close?
1) The US team did good against Ghana--no matter what else they take away from this, they broke the back of the Ghana curse.
2) Spain?  The King is dead---long live the new king--yet TBD.
 Bryan Ruiz of Costa Rica
Guillermo Ochoa of Mexico
3) Some little teams that weren't expected to do much have played with such heart and gusto: Go Mexico, Go Costa Rica!  There has never been a minor nation winner in the history of the World Cup.
4) Some teams just aren't up to the competition in a way that is nearly embarrassing: I'm looking at you Greece, Australia, Japan....
5) Brazil, in the end, in spite of the critics, pulled this even off.  

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