Saturday, August 09, 2014

Friends of Sligo Creek Tree Talk Event!

I am looking forward to this opportunity.  I love trees and have spent years enjoying them and getting to know them.  There are a few characteristics that I follow in identifying them: 1) Overall shape, 2) Leaf, 3) Bark, 4) Flower, 5) Fruit/Seed, and 6) Location.

Some of the trees I know well.  I used the first three characteristics.

RIVER BIRCH, Betula negra
 1) Shape
 2) Leaf
 3) Bark

SILVER MAPLE: Acer saccharinum
 1) Shape
 2) Leaf
 3) Bark

SYCAMORE, Plantanus occidentalis
 1) Shape (immature)
 2) Leaf
 3) Bark

TULIP POPLAR, Liriodendron tulipifera
 1) Shape
 2) Leaf
3) Bark

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