Friday, August 01, 2014

How Democracy Works

You Do YOUR Part, People--or you don't get to bitch about it!

Roméo and I were appalled this morning to discover vandalism in the park! I took a picture and when I got home I sent this email out (to 1) the Takoma Park Police, 2) my friend Takako, and 3) my city council rep, Fred Schultz with a copy of the image:

Takoma Park Police Dept.

I wanted to make you aware of an act of vandalism that occurred last evening to the map placard in the park at the base of the Hillwood Manor neighborhood. I realize that the jurisdiction for the park land may belong to another agency, but the threat is to people of the neighborhood. I sincerely hope that something can be done to repair this damage soon.

Some-teenth Avenue


You may be able to share this with the community association's Yahoo group?


What can we do to fix this ASAP?

Thank you ALL. ~ r

The Police were the first to replied: 

Mr. Randuwa:

Can you please report through our dispatcher 301.270.1100. If it is Park, they can connect it. Thanks.

Catherine E. Plevy
Assistant to the Chief of Police
Public Information Officer (PIO)
Office of the Chief of Police

Which I did. And a police officer was at the park with the hour making a record of the incident.

I also got a response from Fred:


I have just forwarded this to Russell Arrington, the maintenance supervisor for this area of the Parks Division. No doubt our police department will connect with the M-NCPPC police.

Thanks very much for informing me of this.


And then a second response from Fred with a copy of Russell's response:

Randuwa (and everyone):

Here is Mr. Arrington's response, which I think will please you.


Begin forwarded message:


I think you may interested in seeing what happened in HIllwood Manor Park, per the emails and picture below.

Can you please acknowledge receipt of this so that I know the Parks Division is aware.


Frederick Schultz
Councilmember, Ward 6
Takoma Park, Md

Begin Response:


Got it. We will fix asap next week. I’m aiming for Monday.


Yeah, my taxes are high, but so is the quality of the services that support my life.

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