Monday, August 18, 2014

Invasive Vines...Yuck

The vines along the creek, which I now know are primarily the invasive Asian Porcelain Berry are in the mid-August glory. 

They remind me slightly of a movie I saw way back when I was kid called "The Day of the Triffids" (the 1962/3 version, NOT the 1981 BBC remake). 

Before Elvira, there was Sir Graves Ghastly who hosted a Saturday afternoon horror film of the week on WJBK TV channel 2. 
Lawson Deming (as Sir Ghastly Graves), 1913-2007
Whenever my older sister was in charge of the household she made me watch American Bandstand at noon (after the cartoons) and then Sir Graves Ghastly, which always scared the bajeebus out of me to her sadistic teenage delight. Isn't it fun how the minds works!
The Insect Chorus, 1917
Charles Burchfield, 1893-1967
I was also reminded of my own of my favorite regionalist American artists, Charles Burchfield.

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